Peace to the Past

Peace to the past! and this one is very special to me... I was inspired taking pics with my cel and my cousin tried to bother me so she made a peace sign to the camera.. what she didnt know is that this pic would become so perfect for me to describe how I see the world... always with a smile and a hope...
I hope you like this visions of my life ;)

3 comentarios:

{ Cruz } at: 10 de agosto de 2009, 21:07 dijo...

Thats a good title too...wish I could have the same smile and hope! but yeah...the few things that I like keep me smiling at least for now.

Am glad you liked my picture so much...Cross the bridge and keep smiling.

{ NJ } at: 11 de agosto de 2009, 12:30 dijo...

well honestly right now I dont hav too many reasons to smile.. lately everything goes wrong with me... all that I do haha but instead of depressing this time I've decided to laugh at this... hopefully it will work and the black clouds will fade.. dont ya think?

{ Cruz } at: 11 de agosto de 2009, 22:23 dijo...

Yup, I started this long sounds good to hear our own laugh in such a situation...seriously like a whisper among silence. It does makes us light...sunlight is gonna make you bright :) lots of kisses...Cheers




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